​Cotillion in Town
Where to find Cotillion clothing?
We recommend the following shops/tailors and have had success with them in the past. With tailoring, we advise that the simpler, the design, or a copy is better than trying to find success explaining a complicated design or fabric. It is always easier to shop when overseas in the US, UK, Australia or Europe. We hold clothing swaps in October and March each year.
Denise is available for tailoring and alterations at our Clothing Sale
Custom Women's Tailor Denise
Irene Fashion
Rm B. 2/F Welley Bldg.
97 Wellington St.
Central, HK
tel: 2850-5635
Shoes for Girls
Vicki Shoes
3 Queen Victoria St.
2525 6402
Dancing Shoes
Paul's Ballet Supplies
Shop 64, 1/F Admiralty Centre
Custom Men's Tailor
Royal Tailors
(for boys suits)​
contact: Lyra Wong
Shop A, 2/F Entertainment Building,
30 Queen’s Road, Central, Hong Kong
(please mention Cotillion)
Cotillion is often the first opportunity our young ladies have to get dressed up and begin experimenting with makeup. We highly recommend Frances Feldman, who can give your daughters some tips and guidance on makeup. Frances is available for mini-makeovers and tips during our Semi-Annual Dress Sales. (She is also terrific for Moms!)
There are many dance shoe shops in Lowu
A good option for inexpensive dancing shoes for both girls and boys with fast-growing feet. These shoes are not for outside wear.
Dresses for Girls
Ted Baker
(overseas trips!)
Suits/Jackets for Boys
Brooks Brothers
Marks and Spencers
(also shoes)